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College of The Albemarle


当地对在伊丽莎白市建立社区学院的兴趣正式确立. 伊丽莎白市商会成立了一个特别委员会,开始调查潜在学生的工作, planning a facility, developing funding and selling the idea to residents.
Pasquotank County voters, by a vote of more than two to one, 同意每100美元的估值支付15美分的特别税,以支持一所新学院. On December 16, the official charter is issued, 使阿尔伯马尔学院(COA)成为根据1957年社区学院法案由国家特许的第一所学院.
On Sep. 21, COA向113名学生和8名全职员工敞开大门,在伊丽莎白市河滨大道上改造的前Albemarle医院. College Transfer is the only program offered. There are 57 courses listed in the catalog, including mathematics, English, social studies, science, foreign language and business.
COA celebrates the first graduating class in June.
COA begins offering vocational and technical programs.
COA enrollment reaches 700.

On Dec. 4、COA获得南方学院和学校协会(SACS)的认证.

COA开始在代尔县的各种借来的设施中提供课程. In June, COA主席Petteway向董事会报告学院已经获得了42英亩的土地毗邻Albemarle医院, and begins plans to expand the COA campus.
The Learning Lab assists an average of 799 adults per month. Of these, 近一半的学生参加了高中同等学历或成人高中文凭课程.

On Feb. 17日,在北17号公路举行了“新”COA校园的奠基仪式.

On June 27, 由于资金不确定,董事会不情愿地投票决定停止COA校际体育项目.
The COA Foundation is chartered. 一个非营利性的慈善公司成立,以接收和管理支持学院教育使命的礼物. 它为资本需求、设备、员工发展、项目支持和奖学金提供资金.
COA - Dare位于Manteo,是COA的第一个卫星校区.
COA celebrates its 25th anniversary. 现有在校生1487人,全职员工120人.
The COA Community Auditorium is completed – a 40,000平方英尺的建筑,可容纳960多名顾客. The auditorium features a Green Room, an orchestra pit, 照明和音响设备的房间和几个存储区域.

In November, COA在埃登顿开设了Chowan县成人教育中心,以帮助提高该地区的识字率.

12月,长湾县成人教育中心更名为长湾县中心. In its new facilities, 该中心提供基本技能课程和阅读指导, math, GED preparation and English as a Second Language.
In June, COA的护理项目获得了全国护理认证委员会联盟(NLNAC)的国家认证。.
COA – Elizabeth City opens its new technology building, later named the John Wood Foreman Technology Center.
COA celebrated 40 years of serving the Albemarle area.

On Sep. 21, COA修复并竖立了“阿尔伯马尔学院”拱门,位于COA -申博平台入口的河畔“旧医院校园”.

COA breaks ground on the joint Dr. Zack D. and Martha A. 欧文斯健康科学中心和阿尔伯马尔家庭基督教青年会大楼.
COA receives reaffirmation of accreditation by the SACS.
The Dr. Zack D. and Martha A. 欧文斯健康科学中心和阿尔伯马尔家庭基督教青年会大楼开放.
COA在COA -申博平台市建筑A扩建项目上破土动工.
COA庆祝为Albemarle地区- Pasquotank服务50周年, Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates and Perquimans Counties.

On April 19, 在库里塔克地区机场举行申博平台发布会,宣布库里塔克县与COA建立区域航空合作伙伴关系 & Technical Training Center in Currituck County.

In September 2011, 帕索坦克县和伊丽莎白市庆祝学院成立50周年,宣布庆祝COA周年纪念周. 18 to 24, 2011 and COA Day – Sep. 21, 2011.

COA - Edenton-Chowan在北奥克姆街举行了剪彩仪式,庆祝其合并位置. 18.

On March 8, 学院的区域航空在库里塔克县举行了奠基仪式 & Technical Training Center.


COA书店搬迁和全面装修在COA -申博平台C楼. A Grand Opening celebration is held on Feb. 8.

On Aug. 2, COA cut the ribbon on their Regional Aviation & 技术培训中心,一个最先进的37,000平方英尺的设施. This project was in partnership with Currituck County.


新装修的海豚馆学生中心举行剪彩仪式, located at COA – Elizabeth City is held.

On April 9, COA和Currituck县获得了由北卡罗来纳州社区学院系统国家委员会颁发的著名杰出合作伙伴奖. 这标志着国家委员会历史上第一次选择了大学和县政府之间的合作伙伴关系.

In January, COA’s Associate Degree Nursing, Practical Nursing, 外科技术和医疗辅助项目的NCLEX考试通过率都是100%.

焊接实验室在COA -申博平台完全翻新和剪彩仪式举行.

In June, COA adopted its Strategic Plan for 2016 – 2021. 该计划包括三个战略重点领域:参与、转型和投资.

今年6月,COA为总统领导学院的9名首届学员举行了庆祝活动. 该计划包括两次书本学习和每月一次全天会议. 来自其他社区学院和北卡罗来纳社区学院系统的几位演讲嘉宾参观了校园.

In September, COA was among nine other North Carolina community colleges, led by Central Carolina, that have been awarded a $9.2 million First in the World Grant by the U.S. Department of Education.

On Oct. 29, 阿尔伯马尔学院向学生们展示了他们的新学院品牌,包括新的标志和标语, faculty, staff and community members.

COA serves close to 4,000 students at four campus locations in Currituck, Dare, Edenton-Chowan and Elizabeth City.